Switzerland! Day 3 – Lausanne

Again, I changed my original plans due to weather and the fact that I had walked so much the day before. I was thinking it might be nice to take a long train ride somewhere with a good view. Beth suggested Lausanne since the train would be along lakes and it is in the French part of Switzerland, so I could get a different experience.

So again Beth woke me up before she left for work. I got ready and headed off for the train station. I grabbed a snack (not a pretzel sandwich!) and off I went.

Once we were along the lakes, I was on the wrong side of the train to have a good view, so I switched sides. The guy across from me half asked/gestured if I was sick because my other seat was facing backwards. I explained/gestured that I wanted to see the lakes. It’s funny because I don’t think that occurred to him since they’re used to seeing gorgeous scenery all the time.

Lausanne is in the French-speaking part of Switzerland, and it was clear right away on the train. Stop announcements were now in French and most people on the train were speaking French, as opposed to German. I mentally practiced important French phrases: “J’apprends le Francais” (I’m learning French), “Je ne parle pas bien” (I don’t speak well), “Je suis desolee” (I’m sorry), and “Occupe?” (Occupied? As in a train seat).

I took a ton of terrible train photos, but it was really enjoyable.

A guy was scowling at me, I imagined it was because I was a tourist taking photos. I was very proud of myself for imagining saying “Je suis desolee que je pense votre pays est magnifique” (I’m sorry that I think your country is magnificent). Not only did I know the French for what I was thinking, but also I used sarcasm!

From the train station in Lausanne, I walked down to Ouchy, a photogenic point on Lac Leman (Lake Geneva). I learned my lesson from Rigi and walked DOWNHILL. It was pretty steep. Unsurprising I guess in a country full of mountains. I walked out to the point and took some photos.

I absolutely loved the wildflowers all over Switzerland. They were everywhere, and especially the poppies. So many poppies just growing wild.

I wanted to have lunch, and saw a crepery with a view of the lake. I figured it would be overpriced, bad food, and bad service given the great location, and was pleasantly surprised that it was reasonably priced, delicious food, and good service. I managed to get the table closest to the water. I had a jambon and gruyere crepe that was delicious. Much like my train experience the other day, I must have given off non-American vibes. The waiter was speaking French to most of the customers and English to a few, but walked up to me and started speaking German. I replied in a mix of English and French.

Having learned my lesson at Rigi, I took the metro up to the cathedral which was back up the hill past the train station. Fun fact, the metro in Lausanne is remote controlled! Even though I took the metro up to the catherdral, there were still tons of stairs.

After the cathedral I did the short walk down and up and then down to the train station.

Got on the train back to Basel. A little kid puked and his mom handled it like pro. After cleaning him up and herself, she started cleaning up their snacks and the kid started crying because he wanted to eat the snacks. Kids.

I met up with Beth and we went out to dinner at an Italian restaurant on the river, then walked around the city.

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